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The 'Barbie Beat' (Dark Brown Complexion) Class *No Refunds*
Module 1. Class Introduction & Skin Preparation
Class Introduction & Skin Preparation (11:08)
Module 2. Eye Brows & Eyes
Eye Brow Sculpting (20:44)
Eye Shadow & Lash Application (14:23)
Module 3. Color Correction & Foundation Application
Foundation Matching (4:07)
Color Correction (8:53)
Module 4. Contour & Highlight & Setting & Baking
Contour & Highlight Placement (10:43)
Contour & Highlight Blending (25:50)
Setting, Bronzing & Baking (6:23)
Module 5. Lips & Blush
Lips & Blush Application (9:33)
Module 6. Makeup Finishing
UnBaking, Highlighter, Setting Spray (19:27)
UnBaking, Highlighter, Setting Spray
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